Letter from Rinpoche:


In the Buddhist teachings, punya is one of those words that are almost impossible to translate. The popular translation of punya is “merit”, which is based in one of the most fundamental Buddhist truths that nothing happens accidentally or is created by an almighty: Everything has its own causes and conditions.

In our mundane world, for example, we think that a good education could provide a bit more leverage to get a good job. So parents may send their children to the best schools and force them to study hard. As well, at times, changing the colour of your living room wall from dark blue to lemon light may give some people a fresh, uplifted feeling. Likewise, punya to some extent creates the causes and conditions for a favourable life.

Now in Buddhism, our most important endeavour is always to actualize the truth. But that too doesn’t come out of the blue and also requires a lot of causes and conditions. So in the Buddhadharma, anything that helps create the causes and conditions for realizing the truth is called punya, merit, or sonam in Tibetan.

Traditionally, we gather those causes and conditions in two ways – by interacting with what we call two “fields of merit” – the field of Buddhas and the field of sentient beings.

With the field of Buddhas, we accumulate these causes and conditions through remembering the qualities and activities of the buddhas, paying homage, making offerings, and rejoicing. With the field of sentient beings, we offer our kindness, compassion, and generosity, or we at least refrain from harming them.

Among the many methods of interacting with the field of sentient beings, one of the most celebrated ways of not harming is the practice of rescuing lives and offering beings the freedom to live through the practice of so-called “life release.”

Some of us are now trying out an alternative method of doing the exact same thing by trying to tackle a key root of why we need to release and save life – namely that people eat meat.

Not only does eating less meat create the right causes and conditions to practice kindness and compassion, but it is also in our own self-interest. For instance, we know that eating a lot of meat is related to higher rates of heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes and other health problems.

As well, eating meat directly or indirectly leads to serious ecological impacts like deforestation, global warming, overuse of water and land, and species extinction. And scientists are now even warning that eating some meats can cause new diseases and greater pandemics.

So for both the earth and our own health, as well as to save lives and create merit on our Buddhist path, eating less meat is such a simple act that yet produces so much benefit.

With all this in mind, we are now experimenting with using painting to start educating ourselves on the many consequences of eating meat. So, for instance, some of us have sponsored a large billboard in a prominent Taipei metro station. You can see that and a few other posters by clicking on one of the links below.

I think that such alternative methods of saving lives might even help inform ongoing debates on this issue. For instance, some argue that traditional ways of releasing life may sometimes cause unwanted ecological damage, and others point to the unfortunate game where people capture birds and wildlife just so that life-releasers will buy them.

For more information on all this, see https://www.lessmeatmore.love or go to @lessmeatmorelove on Facebook or @lessmeatmore.love on Instagram. In China you can visit: 微博号: LessMeatMoreLove.

If you share our way of thinking about this, please also share this message with as many of your friends as possible.

Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse


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而在佛教中,我們最重要的任務一直是證得實相。但這同樣也不是憑空實現的,它也需要很多的因和緣。因此,在佛法中,有助於為證得實相創造因和緣的任何事情,都被稱為puṇya(梵語)、福德、或藏語中的「索南(bsod nams,福德)」。


















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